Phone: 704-210-8138          Greensboro: 336-499-1883

Final Expense


Preparing for a funeral can be an exhausting event but making sure you have the financial resource to cover the cost of a burial and funeral are extremely important for personal estate planning. Whether you’ve been to a funeral before or you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, it is important to know that final expense insurance can be depended on to provide a financial safety net to cover these costs. Final expense insurance is a superior product for seniors that removes the financial obligations of your family to celebrate your life with friends and family when a person dies.

While standard whole life insurance policies can provide funeral and burial coverage, final expense insurance policies provide superior coverage given the facts they contain a lower face value than traditional life insurance policies. The cost for a burial insurance policy is affordable and can provide thousands of dollars to pay for a basic funeral service, casket, cemetery plot and flowers. Term or whole life insurance on the other hand often exceed an individual’s needs.






Senior Solutions Group

PO Box 581 | Faith, NC 28041
Email Alan


PO Box 581 | Faith, NC 28041

Fax 704-210-8967

"Our Knowledge is your solution."

Alan Misenheimer